Our Journey

Our journey started a few years ago at a small vineyard in Eastern France where we began to understand the complexity and devotion that goes into the winemaking process. We were sitting talking over lunch in the Rhone Valley, captivated by the view across the vineyards and down to the Rhône, all glistening in the sunlight. We returned home in awe.
The trip had changed our outlook on life. Then on 21st June, a day that will be forever memorable, over a few beers and a bottle of Provencal Rosé, we came up with a crazy idea. That with the help and guidance from some close connections of ours in France, we could start importing the wonderful wines we had tasted to the UK. Red Fox Wines was born. Little did we know then, that just one week later, we would be on a flight heading to the Rhône Valley to negotiate a deal with one of the most famous wine producers in the area.
We pulled into the Lieu-Dit of Les Terriens, where Loic and Pierre welcomed us with a bottle of 2015 Côte Rôtie and a selection of saucisson. The incredible passion they had for their wine was clear to see, it flowed out of them with every word they spoke.
A Eureka moment ensued! This was definitely a business we all wanted to be a part of from now on.
In September 2018, Red Fox Wines was no longer just an idea... it became a reality.Clive
Fond memories of making wine with my Grandfather have stayed with me for as long as I can remember. We used to spend our summer holidays with him decanting a dark red liquid from large plastic containers into bottles and hammering in corks with his mallet. We jokingly referred to his concoctions as ‘Bury Brew’ and it started my love for wine. One of my favourite memories is during one summer evening just after we had all gone to bed, we heard a massive ‘bang’. I still to this day do not know what we did, but wine had exploded and sprayed all over his cellar. The next few days were spent mopping up red liquid from the floors, ceiling and every nook and cranny you could think of.
I always thought being able to be a part of the wine industry was a pipe dream, but here we are and loving every minute of it.
My wine journey started from my Grandfather’s love of fine wine and with the everlasting memories of being offered slightly watered down Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Over the years I too have developed a love and passion for wine. We are sourcing our wines from specially selected vineyards and regions, three of which being my favourites, Bordeaux, Burgundyand of course the Rhône Valley.
Growing up I was surrounded by a family who lived and breathed wine. My grandfather loved collecting fine wines. My father was an adjudicator for the French National Wine Competition, my uncle and aunt are the producers of Gospel Green sparkling wine and cider. Surrounded by all this love and appreciation for wine, it was clearly passed down. For me my passion is wine that has sustainability at its heart.